Friday, May 1, 2009

Restructioning This Blog

I need a blog for my finances, I had one but I deleted it. This is my second attempt. I have a lot of things to figure out with layout and what I want to write.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Portion Sizes and Serving Sizes

Portion Sizes and Serving Sizes

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When I Grow Up?

Bestie has been throwing around that I have not grown up yet. Once I was going to brush it off but twice i was like what no. The truth is she is married and wants her husband to move up in ranks because he is in the air force. I commend her for that but that is not me. I could never join clubs with people I didn’t care anything about to boost my husband’s status. I care too much about my own career and status. She bakes for his office, which is cool but I am a more cake from the store gal. I wouldn’t subject anyone to my baking. So I just think we have two different opinions about what is grown up. On another note I don’t think having a husband makes you ‘grown up’, because I know plenty of people who are married who are not grown.

Another truth for me is that I am having a hard time with people taking me seriously and am wondering is this another branch of someone not taking me seriously. I don’t think I am Peter Pan. I am not stuck in the realm of Never never land fighting pirates and Captain Hook. I have taken significant steps to grow and be responsible.

Friday, February 20, 2009


I want to cleanse myself of negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones. I also want to move forward and I think to move forward you have to de clutter. I have too much stuff and I need to minimize. I am a maximist (not a word), but I have to get some things together. I would like to purge clothes I don’t wear or dream of wearing one day. If I lose weight then I will buy some new clothes. I need to let some of my magazines go. I might recycle them. Books. Oh the books. I love my book collection but it too must be minimized. I wanted to have a yard sale but I do not see that happening because I am too disorganized. I have taken to selling books on Amazon. I have sold two, yay me. Wish me luck.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

7 Things That Make Me Happy

  1. Learning something new.
  2. Accomplishing something
  3. Eatting out
  4. Reading others opinions and blogs
  5. Spending money
  6. Jounraling
  7. Making list

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

What 3 Foods I Couldn't You Live Without?

Three foods I couldn’t or wouldn’t want to live without are:

1. Sushi. I love Super Crunch Rolls
2. Gooey toffee cake with vanilla ice cream. Loves it.
3. French fries.

On a bonus I becoming partial to gooey chicken and white rice, stuffed mushrooms, and cheesy seafood mix.
What three foods are you not willing to go without?

Monday, February 16, 2009

Just Fine

What do you do when you are in a rut.

I get sucked in. I become hopeless. Life is just happening and I donot want life to just happen to me. I want to live. But sometimes I feel like I donot know how. Like I am a niave little kid looking outside the window where everyone is playing.

One of my friends is pregnant for a second time. And she is going to marry thw guy. I don’t even think she knows him that well. I think its a big mistake.

I think another problem I have is wanting to fix everyones problems. My brother needs four grand to fix his car and I feel bad because I don’t have. There is no reason I shouldn’t be saving money. I feel like a bum but I know life a journey. Its not the end but the means to the end.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Can I Order a Cup of Happiness, Please

I have a lot of thoughts going on in my head right now. First of all I don’t feel my best. I feel crappy and annoyed. I want to go back to bed and sulk. And I have friendship melodrama which I should just nip in the bud. I need to be stronger but sometimes I feel like I just want to sleep. Sleeping is easier. Sleeping doesn’t require much effort. People don’t talk to you when you’re sleeping.

Its crazy how one thing or two can crack your sanity. I feel like mine is lost today. I feel mad at the world and cautious of others. People suck. So does that in turn mean I suck. It’s just that a couple of things that have happened today is making me upset. I don’t know how to move past it. And I am not the cheery girl nor can I pretend to be. How do you move past certain things that make you upset and not let it ruin your day.

A friend of mine says you have to fight for happiness. Being miserable seems so much more fun and peaceful. Happiness seems so far beyond my reach, it’s like a distant land. Food makes me happy but I am supposed to be cutting back. How can you cut one of the only things that make you happy? Right now I don’t feel like fighting to be happy. I just don’t. I think the worst part is I am tired as hell.